Concerns and Complaints

The College of Marin is committed to taking every effort to resolve student complaints, using policies and procedures. Students are encouraged to utilize administrative procedures to address their concerns and/or complaints in a timely manner.

To file a concern or complaint, submit a COM CARE Report. If you have questions about submitting a concern consult with the Office of Student Activities and Advocacy at (415) 485-9509.

The following information on procedures is provided to address Student Complaints:

Academic Complaints
  • Grade Appeal and academic honesty violations: consult your instructor first, and then the dean/director of the department, if needed.
Non-Academic Complaints: Submit a COM CARE Report
  • Concerns with unprofessional behavior
  • Complaints that are not of an academic concern and do not concern allegations of discrimination
  • Complaints related to Student Accessibility Services (SAS), formerly Disabled Student Programs and Services
  • Complaints against a student
  • Complaints regarding Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence, please refer to Administrative Procedure 3435 Discrimination and Harassment Investigations for details on how to file a complaint, contact the Office of Student Activities and Advocacy at (415) 485-9375 for more information.
Criminal Activity

Immediately contact the District Police Department, (415) 485-9696 or 911.

Filing a Discrimination or Harassment Complaint

The District encourages any individual who believes they have been the victim of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation based on race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, or sexual orientation, in connection with District facilities, programs, or activities, or who believes that another individual accessing District facilities, programs, or activities, has been the victim of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, to submit a COM CARE Report.

Complaints will be submitted to the Director of Human Resources:

Nekoda Harris
Executive Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator
Marin Community College District
Indian Valley Campus 
Building 11, Second Floor 
1800 Ignacio Boulevard 
Novato, CA 94949 
(415) 457-8811 ext 7520 
Email: [email protected] 

Complaints, alleged discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against the Responsible District Officer/Title IX Coordinator should be submitted directly to the Superintendent/President: 

Jonathan Eldridge, Ed.D.
Marin Community College District
Kentfield Campus
Academic Center
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, California 94904
(415) 485-9502

Contact the Office of the President by email.

Complaints regarding employment matters must be filed within 180 days and non-employment matters within one year. To enable the District’s prompt and effective action in addressing concerns, the District strongly encourages the filing complaints within 30 days of the alleged incident or as soon as possible after discovery of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. While all complaints are taken seriously and will be investigated promptly, delay in filing impedes the District’s ability to investigate and take remediating action.

All supervisors and managers have a mandatory duty to report incidents of harassment or discrimination, the existence of a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment, and acts of retaliation. The District will investigate all complaints or discrimination or harassment based on a protected class including acts that occur off campus if they are related to any District program or activity.

Additional Information and Resources