Student Accessibility Services (formerly DSPS) provides services and accommodations that provide equal access to education at the College of Marin (COM). These may consist of in-classroom services and/or outside the classroom services such as mobility or testing accommodations. Services and accommodations must be requested and approved by a SAS Counselor every semester at COM.
What is an Accommodation?
An accommodation is an adjustment to the way a student receives, retains or demonstrates knowledge to allow him or her equal access to education. Accommodations are prescribed based on the educational limitations or barriers that are directly caused by the disability, diagnosis or medical condition. Accommodations cannot fundamentally change academic requirements for degrees, certificates, programs, courses or assignments.
Accommodations and other services vary semester to semester depending on the institutional requirements of the class or classes and must be requested each and every semester. Accommodations must be approved by a SAS Counselor, Director or Learning Disabilities Specialist. Early requests for testing and other accommodations are appreciated and recommended especially during finals week. Late requests for accommodations may result in delays due to availability.
Here are a few of the services we offer:
SAS Counseling
Our counselors are here to help with the intake process, provide accommodations and assist with priority registration.
Math and English Tutoring
SAS provides tutoring in Math and English. Students with a verified disability may be assigned a tutor by their counselor. Student must meet with their SAS counselor for a tutoring referral.
SAS recruits volunteer note-takers for in-class assistance. Students with a verified disability may be referred by their counselor to the SAS Support Services Specialist, who will assist in finding classmates to take notes. The volunteer notetaker will receive a letter of recommendation to add to their resume/CV at their request, in addition to the use of NCR notetaker materials.
Learning Disability Testing and Eligibility
Testing to determine learning disability eligibility is available through SAS to students who are enrolled in a minimum of two units. Referrals for testing are made through a SAS counselor. Assessment includes an intake interview with a learning disabilities specialist, approximately four hours of testing with an instructional assistant in the Study Skills Lab, and approximately 3 hours of aptitude and achievement testing with a Learning Disabilities Specialist. After completion of testing, a final meeting is scheduled to review test results and discuss the student’s learning profile. If the student has met the California Community Colleges’ criteria for a learning disability, appropriate academic accommodations are determined based on test results.
Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
SAS ensures transcription, captioning, alternative media and interpreting services are available to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.
Alternative Media and Assistive Technology
SAS provides access to alternative media, as available from the publisher, to maintain accessibility of instructional materials. A sample of the assistive technology SAS has available consists of screen reading applications like Read and Write, audio lecture capture devices, google dictation and voice amplifiers for lectures.
Adapted Physical Education Classes
The mission of the Adapted Physical Education program at College of Marin is to provide an accessible, student-centered wellness and physical education experience that supports the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development of a diverse population of students with disabilities.
Our mission is uniquely designed for ongoing interaction and support in partnership with SAS.