Benefits of Tutoring

  • You will gain a better understanding of the material from tutors who have mastered the coursework
  • You will be able to review key concepts from courses
  • You will be able to ask the questions you did not ask in class
  • You will be better prepared to participate in class
  • You will learn new methods for note taking and textbook reading
  • You will learn new study strategies

Interested in being a Tutor?

If you are interested in becoming a College of Marin tutor, please complete the Tutor Application and either email it back to Oksana Pensabene at [email protected] or drop it off in the Tutoring Center (AC 249). 

In order to apply for a peer tutoring position, you must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or above, have received an A or a B in the course you wish to tutor, and have a written recommendation from a faculty member in the subject area.