
Every new student should complete the online orientation. You can take the online orientation in the student portal, MyCOM.

  • Log in to MyCOM
  • Click on the Students tab
  • The link to the orientation is in the box labeled New Students

​Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who should participate in orientation?
    Every new student should participate in orientation.
  2. How can I access the online orientation?
    You can access the online orientation through the MyCOM Portal. 
  3. Do I need to take any steps before participating in the orientation?
    No, you may take the orientation as soon as you have a student identification number (starting with M00) and are able to log in to the My COM Portal.
  4. Why is orientation important for me?
    The orientation describes campus processes and resources that will help you make a smooth transition to College of Marin.  Additionally, orientation is one of the important matriculation steps that will give you priority registration for classes.
  5. After completing the online orientation, what is my next step? 
    Make an appointment with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan.  
  6. Are there orientations for student athletes, international students, veterans, or other specific student populations?
    Yes. You will receive notification from College of Marin if there is a live orientation that applies to your unique student status.  

Here at College of Marin, we support equitable access to education. If you have any feedback or questions about how to access this orientation, are a student with a documented disability or need information on what types of assistive technology are available, please contact:

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
Student Services Center, First Floor, Room 146
Kentfield Campus
(415) 485-9406
[email protected]