
Written or verbal Warning

An admonition to the Student to cease and desist from conduct determined to violate the Standards of Student Conduct. Written reprimands may become part of the Student's permanent record at the college. A record of the fact that a verbal reprimand has been given may become part of the Student's record at the college for a period of up to one year.

Short-term Suspension

 Exclusion of the Student for good cause by the Senior Vice President of Student Learning and Student Services from one or more classes for a period of up to 10 consecutive Days.

Long-term Suspension

Exclusion of the Student by the Senior Vice President of Student Learning and Student Services for good cause from one or more classes for 11 or more Days, for the remainder of the school term, or from all classes and activities of the District for one or more terms.


Permanent exclusion of the Student by the Board of Trustees from the District and all District programs.

No Contact Directive

In cases where it is in the best interest of two parties to no longer have any contact, the College will direct both individuals to cease all contact. This includes, but is not limited to any contact in person, via telephone, email, text message, and/or social media, or contact through third parties.

Other Educational Sanction

At the discretion of the student conduct officer, an alternative sanction can be imposed or included with another sanction for the benefit of the student’s education and knowledge. This includes but is not limited to a reflection paper, research paper, project, or program participation.